Rise co-authors report calling for local government mindset

The founder of Rise Associates is one of the authors of a new report issued by the Institute of Place Management calling for a mindset shift in local government to ensure struggling high streets can enjoy a fresh start in 2024.

It examines some of the key challenges uncovered from visits to over 140 towns over the past four years by the High Streets Task Force and concludes that the job of turning around failing town centres is too big for local authorities to do on their own.

It also shows that high streets which are developing multi-stakeholder partnerships with the business community, community organisations and other partners such as police, health and housing organisations are achieving success.

But with over 40 per cent of towns visited by the Task Force having no real partnerships or place governance to deliver the transformative change that their high streets need, there is clearly work to be done.

Local authorities are suffering chronic staff shortages. A recent recruitment and skills survey showed that 66 per cent of local government placemaking professionals do not have the “necessary bandwidth” to tackle strategic objectives.

Examples of new vehicles in the shape of CICs and other organisations being set up to support local authorities include Ashton Innovation Board in Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan. Here, a group of people from the local business community, voluntary sector, schools, emergency services, faith groups and other organisations came together to try and improve their town. They have subsequently benefitted from a £6.6million award from the Capital Regeneration Programme and are now working with the Council to shape ambitious plans for their town.

The report concludes that high streets have been over simplified for too long and we need to see the same mindset shift that we saw in health, which has put partnership working at the centre of dealing with myriad issues in a complex environment.

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Published 12-Feb-2024

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